Toronto, ON
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(Teen) Mental Health Literacy
Website providing information and resources about teen mental health. Formerly known as Teen Mental Health with Dr. Stan Kutcher and colleagues.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc. Website
American, parent-led organization supporting families of attachment-disordered and traumatized children. Services include: * Training at adoption conferences * On-line support communities * Database of worldwide therapists and resources
Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc.
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Attachment Association of Canada website
National organization promoting education about attachment issues. Website has information about child attachment, adult attachment, sections for professionals and parents, as well as events and conferences about attachment.
Attachment Association of Canada
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Attachment Network of Manitoba website
The Attachment Network of Manitoba is a multi-organizational committee that is comprised of representatives from various sectors, including health, justice, education, and social services, who are interested in promoting and enhancing secure attachment across the life span. Website features include: * Blog * Videos * Events * Information for parents * Information for professionals
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Bebé en santé cerveau en santé
Site éducatif avec diverses vidéos sur enfant en bonne santé et développement de l'enfant pour futurs et nouveaux parents. Les vidéos comprennent: * Commencez tôt * L'amour nourrit le cerveau * Le jeu nourrit le cerveau * La santé nourrit le cerveau * Un entourage sain est important
Meilleur départ
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: , Websites including blogs, support forums
Circle of Security website
The Circle of Security is a relationship based early intervention program designed to enhance attachment security between parents and children. Decades of university-based research have confirmed that secure children exhibit increased empathy, greater self-esteem, better relationships with parents and peers, enhanced school readiness, and an increased capacity to handle emotions more effectively when compared with children who are not secure.
Cirlce of Security International
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Infant Mental Health Promotion (IMHP) website
An independently run, not for profit organization operating within the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The goal of IMHP is to promote the development of infants (0-3) through education, information dissemination, networking and advocacy.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Strategies for Teachers of Students with Reactive Attachment Disorder
Information for teachers on how to support a student with reactive attachment disorder (RAD).
Faculty of Education, Brandon University
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
ATTACh is an international coalition of professionals and families dedicated to helping those with attachment difficulties by sharing our knowledge, talents and resources. Website provides information about attachment difficulties.
Association for Treatment and Training in the Attachment of Children
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
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