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Rickman, Scott - Psychothérapeute autorisé, RP
Rickman Counselling
Pratique privée (individu)
Counselling service for youth and/or parents for youth and around the Ottawa area.
I have been working with youth and their families in the Ottawa area for the past 30 years. As a Psychotherapist, my focus is on supporting youth through their struggles with their mental health concerns, through a variety of counselling modalities.
I have been working with youth and their families in the Ottawa area for the past 30 years. As a Psychotherapist, my focus is on supporting youth through their struggles with their mental health concerns, through a variety of counselling modalities.
Âges servis: 8 - 20 ans
Langue: Anglais
Frais Oui ($130/hour)
Sexe: Mâle
À voir: Client/familles peuvent se référer
Contact through rickmancounselling.com or email directly at [email protected]
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton Contact through rickmancounselling.com or email directly at [email protected]
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Tout montrer +Dernière modification 25 Nov 2020