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Thursday November 9th, 2017
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Do you ever find it challenging to be kind and compassionate to yourself? However difficult, caring for ourselves is one of the most beneficial things we can do for our well-being. By offering kindness, courage and connection to ourselves in our daily activities, we can cultivate a more self-compassionate way of life. Come and invest in the most powerful relationship in our lives, our relationship to self.
In this workshop, we learn to:
• Develop awareness and acceptance of self in the present moment
• Create a gentle and supportive inner dialogue by releasing negative self-talk
• Embrace our imperfections and acknowledge our vulnerabilities with courage and resilience
• Celebrate (appreciate or acknowledge) who we are, as we are
Location: Adlerian Counselling and Consulting Group
1729 Bank St, Suite 205 Ottawa, Ontario K1V 7Z5
Cost: $40.00 includes HST
For additional information: Kathryn Zettel at 613-737-5553 ext 301
To register: Shannon at 613-737-5553 or email [email protected]. Registration deadline Nov. 3rd
Kathryn Zettel, M.A., M.Ed., R.P. is a Psychotherapist with the Adlerian Counselling and Consulting Group. She provides psychotherapy to clients on topics including anxiety, depression, self-esteem, compassion fatigue, loss, work related pressures and relationship challenges. Mindfulness is an integral part of Kathryn’s life as well as her professional practice.
Nom de l'événement
Cultivating Self-Compassion: Letting Go of Self-Judgment
For: Grand public, Professionnels
Fourni par: Adlerian Counselling and Consulting Group
Date et l'heure
Thu Nov 9 to thu 9 nov 2017
(Cet événement est terminé)
6:00 - 8:00pm
Description de l'évenement
Cultivating Self-Compassion: Letting Go of Self-JudgmentThursday November 9th, 2017
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Do you ever find it challenging to be kind and compassionate to yourself? However difficult, caring for ourselves is one of the most beneficial things we can do for our well-being. By offering kindness, courage and connection to ourselves in our daily activities, we can cultivate a more self-compassionate way of life. Come and invest in the most powerful relationship in our lives, our relationship to self.
In this workshop, we learn to:
• Develop awareness and acceptance of self in the present moment
• Create a gentle and supportive inner dialogue by releasing negative self-talk
• Embrace our imperfections and acknowledge our vulnerabilities with courage and resilience
• Celebrate (appreciate or acknowledge) who we are, as we are
Location: Adlerian Counselling and Consulting Group
1729 Bank St, Suite 205 Ottawa, Ontario K1V 7Z5
Cost: $40.00 includes HST
For additional information: Kathryn Zettel at 613-737-5553 ext 301
To register: Shannon at 613-737-5553 or email [email protected]. Registration deadline Nov. 3rd
Kathryn Zettel, M.A., M.Ed., R.P. is a Psychotherapist with the Adlerian Counselling and Consulting Group. She provides psychotherapy to clients on topics including anxiety, depression, self-esteem, compassion fatigue, loss, work related pressures and relationship challenges. Mindfulness is an integral part of Kathryn’s life as well as her professional practice.
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Dernière modification 20 Oct 2017