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2-hour sessions once a month for 10 months
A ten- month webinar program for mental health professionals interested in developing greater expertise in working with complex trauma and dissociation while staying abreast of recent trauma and dissociation while staying abreast of recent trauma-related research and treatment advances.
A webinar requires only internet access and computer sound system or telephone. On your computer screen, you can see he presentation and send in questions, while you hear the audio via either computer speakers or toll-free number.
Each webinar is recorded and accessible online at your convenience for the duration of the webinar series and beyond!
Nom de l'événement
Working with the Neurobiological Legacy of Trauma: A Remote Learning Webinar Series on Complex Trauma and Dissociation
For: Grand public, Professionnels
Fourni par: Jack Hirose and Associates
Date et l'heure
Mon Jan 11 to mon 13 jun 2016
(Cet événement est terminé)
Lieu de la conférence
Description de l'évenement
Speaker: Janina Fisher, Ph.D.2-hour sessions once a month for 10 months
A ten- month webinar program for mental health professionals interested in developing greater expertise in working with complex trauma and dissociation while staying abreast of recent trauma and dissociation while staying abreast of recent trauma-related research and treatment advances.
A webinar requires only internet access and computer sound system or telephone. On your computer screen, you can see he presentation and send in questions, while you hear the audio via either computer speakers or toll-free number.
Each webinar is recorded and accessible online at your convenience for the duration of the webinar series and beyond!
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endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in
which they are received.
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Tout montrer +Dernière modification 8 Jan 2016