Ontario, ON
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Centre de santé pour nouveaux arrivants d'Ottawa (CSNO)
The ONHC website is to connect immigrants and refugees, sponsors, and healthcare workers with our services and to provide quality information about health resources in Ottawa.

The website has extensive information about the three services provided by the ONHC – interpretation, medical care, and health navigation – and how to access them, as well as information on how to get settled into the Canadian health care system. Not sure how to find dental care? It’s on the website. Not sure how to apply for health insurance? It’s on the website too. Many other useful tips and tricks to get started in Canada are also at onhc.ca!

What’s more – the website is available in a wide variety of languages so those who don’t speak English or French can begin to navigate the health system themselves, in the comfort of their own language.
55 Eccles Street
Ottawa, ON, K1R 6S3 Map
613-691-0192 x6001
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais, Français, Espagñol, Arabe, Mandarin, Cantonese
Frais Aucun

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Multiculturels ou ethnospécifiques
Dernière modification 27 Jul 2016
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