Thérapie interpersonelle (TIP) :
Counselling and group therapy services offered by Family Services Ottawa, The MOMS Group is a 8-10 week group program for mothers who are experiencing ...
312 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4X5 Carte
Région desservie RLISS de Champlain
Tous âges
Provides free counselling and therapy for status Natives 18+ throughout Ontario.
105 Hugill Road, Coboconk, ON, K0M 1K0
Région desservie Ontario
18 ans et plus
Psychotherapy Matters is an online directory of therapists in private practice, who pay in order to be listed in the directory.
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
Tous âges
A online directory of qualified therapists in who offer Reduced Rate and Sliding Scale services in Canada. Serving Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, and beyond.
ON, Canada
Région desservie Manitoba
Tous âges
Society of professionals who are interested in Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT).
Membership in the ISIPT is open to all individuals including ...
Iowa City, IA Carte
Région desservie World
Tous âges
Danya Daccash, Private Practice Psychotherapist
ON, Canada
Zones desservies Ottawa-Carleton, RLISS de Champlain, North
18 ans et plus