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Nom de l'événement

Webinar - When There's Depression in the Family
For: Grand public, Professionnels

Date et l'heure

Sun Feb 15 to sun 15 feb 2009 (Cet événement est terminé)

Lieu de la conférence


Description de l'évenement

A 3.5- to 4-hour, intensive training program for people who suffer with depression and those who love them.
Depression has cost our family literally hundreds of thousands of dollars! It has cost us our home, our savings, our investments, our friendships and relationships with loved ones, it almost cost us our marriage, and my wife her very life. Depression destroys lives...period!
In this 3.5- to 4-hour program, we will share with you secrets that we have learned over the past 10 years through our research and our trials and errors for surviving the destruction and devastation that comes with depression, anxiety, bi-polar, obsessive compulsive and other emotional disorders.
Your privacy is assured: Your identity will not be exposed to anyone else in the program. You will be assigned a random number as your ID and no-one needs to know who you are.
This is not a motivational webinar: This is an intense training program with specific learning objectives based on experience, science and results; no hype!
Fee is $20 and the net proceeds will be donated to the Canadian Mental Health Association.

Plus d'information



Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in which they are received.

This event is listed under these topics

Troubles de santé mentale A-Z
Problèmes de comportement
Thérapies familiales et de couple
Trouble obsessionnel-compulsif
Thérapeutes familiaux et de couple
Types de counseling et de thérapie
Troubles bipolaires
Tout montrer +
Dernière modification 13 Jun 2009
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