Durham Region, ON
Panier info -
Child Care Centres - Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
Program/Service of : Kinark Child and Family Services
Kinark Child and Family Services provide high quality child care services to every child and family within the community.
Child care services are provided in a warm and nurturing atmosphere that recognizes the individual needs of each child, and that respects different cultural and ethnic values.
Quality child care services are best provided through developing a partnership between parents/guardians and professional staff. Through this partnership, parents and guardians can be actively involved and be influential in all aspects of the program.
Kinark delivers child-centered programming that supports all aspects of the child’s development, that encourages the child to explore, and that enhances the child’s self-image.
L'adresse n'est pas fournie
1-888-454-6275 (Sans frais)
Âges servis: 6 - 12 ans
Langue: Anglais
Frais Oui (Sliding scale)

Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets

Navigation dans le système, y compris les services d'information et d'orientation
Troubles déficitaires de l’attention (TDA/TDAH)
Gestion de la colère
Autisme et troubles du spectre autistique
Troubles du développement, déficience intellectuelle et incapacités connexes
Syndrome d’alcoolisation foetale et ensemble des troubles connexes (ETCAF)
Services d’autoassistance, d’entraide et de soutien
Travailleurs sociaux
Conseillers à l’enfance et à la jeunesse
Parents, familles et aidants
Tout montrer +
Dernière modification 7 Apr 2010
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