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Nom de l'événement

Mind Over Matter: The Hidden Influence of Psychology on Well-Being and Performance
For: Professionnels
Fourni par: BC Psychological Association

Date et l'heure

Fri Sep 29 to fri 29 sep 2017 (Cet événement est terminé)
9:00 - 4:30pm

Lieu de la conférence

3075 Slocan Street, Vancouver, BC, V5M 4P5

Description de l'évenement

From issues including organizational justice, climate, and trust to theories of leadership and how the exchange between managers and employees affects organizational outcomes, psychology is the flashlight that illuminates the darkness and gives you a glimpse of what's hiding under the bed or peering out from behind the closet door. Participants will learn to identify and address overlooked influencers that drive business success and workplace psychological well-being.

1. Describe three psychological issues that affect employees' well-being and performance.
2. List five types of workplace practices that foster a psychologically healthy workplace.
3. Discuss how to promote psychological well-being in organizations and issues that can enhance or impede their efforts.
4. Identify ethical issues that may arise when addressing well-being and performance issues in the workplace and describe risk management strategies.

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Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in which they are received.

This event is listed under these topics

Dépendances (y compris la toxicomanie, l’alcoolisme et le jeu compulsif)
Troubles déficitaires de l’attention (TDA/TDAH)
Gestion de la colère
Problèmes de comportement
Troubles du comportement alimentaire, y compris l’anorexie et la boulimie
Troubles de l’apprentissage
Séparation et divorce
Aptitudes sociales et à la vie quotidienne
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Dernière modification 16 Jun 2017
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