Vancouver Island, BC
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Canadian Health Recovery Centre (CHRC)
Pratique privée
Canadian Health Recovery Centre (CHRC) is a private & holistic residential in-patient addiction treatment centre for adult males. We run a gorgeous facility on 15 pristine acres in Peterborough, Ontario.

At CHRC, we understand that the physiological and neurological damage caused by the abuse of alcohol and/or drugs must be treated as part of the process of recovery if life-long sobriety is the goal. We use orthomolecular nutrition to rebalance and nourish the body on a biochemical level – the body and mind are strengthened, and overall health and vitality are improved. A healthy body has reduced cravings, fewer mood swings, more self-control and less physical and emotional pain. Our orthomolecular nutrition treatment program lays the foundation for physical and emotional healing and normalized neurotransmitter function.

CHRC utilizes laboratory data, nutritional supplementation and a specialized diet to balance the body’s biochemistry, target cravings and facilitate mental-emotional health.
225 Lansdowne St West
Peterborough, ON, K9J 0G5 Map
1-844-264-9910 (Sans frais)
Âges servis: 18 ans et plus
Langue: Anglais
Frais Oui
Région desservie Toronto

Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets

Dépendances (y compris la toxicomanie, l’alcoolisme et le jeu compulsif)
Psychologues et associés en psychologie
Foyers de groupe, foyers d’accueil spécialisés et logements supervisés
Alimentation et nutrition
Traitement en établissement (hospitalisation)
Dernière modification 21 Sep 2017
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