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Nom de l'événement

Managing OCD: A CBT Workshop for Individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, their Family and Friends (Dr. John Telner)
For: Grand public
Fourni par: Excellence in Practice

Date et l'heure

Sat May 25 to sat 25 may 2013 (Cet événement est terminé)
8:30 to 4:00

Lieu de la conférence

470 Roosevelt Avenue West, Ottawa, ON

Description de l'évenement

Excellence in Practice is offering a series of workshops for individuals with mood and anxiety problems and their family members. All workshops are led by Psychologists with experience using CBT to treat anxiety.

In this workshop on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), participants will learn: 1) Definition, diagnosis and prevalence of OCD, 2) How to understand OCD using a CBT Model, 3) Main treatment strategies used for treating OCD, 4) helping individuals develop strategies to cope with OCD, and 5) developing self-care strategies when helping others with OCD.

Who Should Attend: Family and Friends of individuals with OCD, as well as individuals who feel they may be experiencing symptoms or have experienced symptoms of OCD in the past.

Registration fee is $85.00 for the full day workshop.

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Dernière modification 21 Nov 2012
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