Vancouver Island, BC
Panier info -
Distress Centre Durham (DCD)
We are a 24 hour helpline in Durham Region. Our callers discuss issues and feelings related to:
* All varieties of relationships
* Mental health
* Loneliness/isolation
* Pain/fear
* Hopelessness/despair
* Addictions
* Sexuality/gender identity
* LGBTQ issues
* Abuse/violence
* Suicide/survivor issues
306 Brock
Whitby, ON, L1N 4H7 Map
1-800-452-0688 (Sans frais)
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
Région desservie Durham Region

Programmes et services inclussent

DCD Suicide Survivor Support Services
Program/Service of : Distress Centre Durham (DCD)
If you are a suicide survivor (if you've lost someone to suicide), don't travel this painful road alone.Join us on our journey of grief and recovery. Register for our call-out program or come and share your grief, your memories, your fears and even a few tears as together, we learn how to cope with life as we now know it... without our loved ones.

To be eligible:
-must be 18 or older
-the loss must have been atleast 6 months prior to start of group
-you myst pre-register by contacting Victoria at Distress Centre Durham: (905) 430-3511
306 Brock
Whitby, ON, L1H 4H7 Map
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
Prideline Durham
Program/Service of : Distress Centre Durham (DCD)
A toll-free telephone helpline for the LGBTQ community in Durham Region to offer non-judgemental emotional support,community referral information and crisis intervention. Our callers discuss issues related to: All varieties of relationships, abuse and violence, mental health, lonliness or isolation, bullying, family, coming out and questioning, sexuality and sexual health, suicidal thoughts and religious or moral conflict.
306 Brock
Whitby, ON, L1N 4H7 Map
1-855-877-7433 (Sans frais)
1-855-877-7433 (Ligne de crise)
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
View in Google Maps
Entrez votre adresse pour les directions

Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets

Ressources en cas de crise ou d’urgence
Ligne d’aide en cas de crise y compris téléphone, en ligne et chat
Dernière modification 17 Mar 2012
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