Calgary Zone (previously Calgary Health Region), AB
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Anishinaabe Abinoojii Family Services
Anishinaabe Abinoojii Family Services objective is to protect children and to heal and strengthen families through the provision of holistic, bi-cultural services that respect our Anishinaabe heritage, and honours the values, customs and tradition of our people.
Our services include:

Child Protection to children 0-15 years of age
Alternative Care (foster care)
After Hours On Call Services
Customary Care
Family Involvement
Community Involvement
Holistic and Bi-cultural Services.
Prevention Services: Assisting families with services in order to prevent family breakdown
20 Main Street South
Kenora, ON, P9N 1S7 Map
807-468-6224 x18664209990
Âges servis: Jusqu'à 18 ans
Langue: Anglais
Frais Oui
Région desservie Kenora District
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Organismes de services à l’enfance et à la jeunesse
Garde répit et services de garde d’enfants
Dernière modification 14 Mar 2009
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