Vancouver Island, BC
Panier info -
Collingwood General and Marine Hospital, Community Mental Health Services
Providing assessment, treatment, consultation and follow-up to those experiencing serious mental illness. This includes seniors experiencing confusion, memory or behavioural problems. The clinic provides support and education to caregivers of the elderly. In addition, we provide intensive case management to assist people in the community with long term psychiatric problems. A homelessness program is available for people with a mental illness who are at risk of homelessness. The clinic provides support and education on a variety of mental topics. A concurrent disorders assessment is available on referral (mental illness plus addiction).
General & Marine Hospital Moberly St
Collingwood, ON, Map
Âges servis: 16 ans et plus
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
Région desservie Simcoe County
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Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets

Centre de santé et de ressources communautaires
Professionnels de la santé mentale
Psychologues et associés en psychologie
Services médicaux
Types de counseling et de thérapie
Coordination des services et prise en charge
Démence, y compris la maladie d’Alzheimer
Services communautaires généraux en santé mentale
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Dernière modification 27 Jan 2009
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