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Cornwall Community Hospital
L'Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall fournit des services de soins actifs aux patients hospitalisés, aux patients externes et aux clients de la communauté. L'hôpital offre un large éventail de services médicaux spécialisés qui comprennent, entre autres, les services suivants : anesthésie, soins dentaires, médecine d'urgence, endoscopie, chirurgie générale, gynécologie, médecine interne, neurologie, obstétrique, ophtalmologie, orthopédie, pédiatrie, psychiatrie, réadaptation, urologie.
840 McConnell Avenue
Cornwall, ON, K6H 5S5 Map
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais, Français
Frais Aucun
Région desservie Comté de Stormont Dundas and Glengarry

Programmes et services inclussent

Cornwall Community Hospital Child and Youth Mental Health Services
Program/Service of : Cornwall Community Hospital
Child and Youth Counselling Services (CYCS) is a community based mental health program sponsored by the Cornwall Community Hospital which provides assessment, therapy, support, counselling and consultation for children and youth. CYCS has a well-trained, multidisciplinary team of professionals who provide services predominantly in English. Services are provided at no cost. Services include:

Core counselling program / office-based services such as therapy, counselling and support
Early Years Program (working with parents who have children from the ages of 0 to 6 to promote healthy attachment)
Intensive Support Services (home based counselling and support program for children, youth, and families)
Tapp-C arson prevention program
Outreach Program/school based service

Eligibility: children and youth (aged 0-18) who are experiencing psychological, behavioural or emotional difficulties.
Referrals: simply contact CYCS to make a referral.
850 McConnell Avenue
Cornwall, ON, K6H 3M4 Map
1-844-361-6363 (Sans frais)
Âges servis: Jusqu'à 18 ans
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
À voir: Client/familles peuvent se référer
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Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets

Salles d’urgence en milieu hospitalier
Psychologues et associés en psychologie
Travailleurs sociaux
Services de traitement externes/communautaires
Traitement en établissement (hospitalisation)
Dernière modification 20 Jan 2018
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