Niagara Regional Municipality, ON
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Lanark County Wraparound
Wraparound is a family and youth led, team approach to help people with complex needs.
When a family or youth faces a number of problems, finding the right kinds of support and services can be very hard.
Wraparound is a practical and supportive way to meet the needs of families and youth.
This is done by building a team of four to ten people whom the family or youth trusts most. Some people have chosen to have a grandmother, their counsellor, social worker, close friend, or a teacher on their team. You choose the people whom you want to be on your team.
Through a series of meetings, with your team, you set goals, develop action plans, and work together to achieve your goals.
You can get involved with Wraparound by either talking to a trusted professional such as a counsellor, social worker or teacher, or by calling the Wraparound Coordinator at
(613) 283-8260 ext. 227
88 Cornelia St. West
Lanark County, ON, K7A 5K9 Map
613-283-8260 x227
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
Région desservie Comité Lanark
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Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets

Parents, familles et aidants
Types de counseling et de thérapie
Dernière modification 27 Sep 2008
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