Ontario, ON
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Équipes communautaires de traitement intensif (ECTI)

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Les équipes communautaires de traitement intensif (ECTI) sont centrées sur le client, afin de lui offrir la possibilité de recouvrer la santé mentale en mettant l'accent sur une approche globale par une équipe pluridisciplinaire,et conçue pour aider les individus à se réhabiliter et supporter ceux qui ont de sérieux et persistants problèmes de maladie mentale comme la schizophrénie.


ECTI est une équipe de programmes qui s'adresse aux personnes qui n'ont pas bénéficié de programmes ambulatoires traditionnels. Parce que l'un des principaux objectifs est d'aider à maintenir les personnes qui vivent dans leurs foyers dans la collectivité (plutôt que dans un hôpital), les programmes ACT sont normalement réservés aux personnes qui ont déjà été excessives, ou qui ont fait des séjours prolongés dans les hôpitaux.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Le centre de santé mentale Royal Ottawa spécialise dans les services de santé mentale. Les services incluent une grande variété de services hospitaliers ... more
1145 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 7K4 Carte
Région desservie RLISS de Champlain
16 ans et plus
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Scarborough Hospital provides various mental health services to all ages. Various campuses, including 1) Main Campus.   Mental Health Services include: * ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Toronto
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Hospital serving Etobicoke and Brampton, Ontario, with 2 Brampton campus, and an Etobicoke Campus. Mental health services include inpatient and outpatient ... more
101 Humber College Blvd, Etobicoke, ON, M9V 1R8 Carte
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Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores) (formerly known as Whitby Psychiatric Hospital) is a public hospital providing a wide range ... more
700 Gordon St, Whitby, ON, L1N 5N1 Carte
12 ans et plus
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The Carlington ACT Team, based at the Carlington Community Health Centre, provides mental health treatment, rehabilitation and support services to identified ... more
1290 Coldrey Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 5Z8 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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J.F. Norwood House is transitional housing offering supportive living for women and families. Drawing from community support and contributions, we offer women ... more
Ottawa, ON, K1K 1N6 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
18 ans et plus
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The Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) helps people with complex, long-term and serious psychiatric illness involving multiple hospitalizations of a ... more
1145 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 7K4 Carte
613-722-6521 x7325
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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The Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) for Persons Dually Diagnosed serves Lanark, Leeds and Grenville.   The Assertive Community Treatment ... more
1804 Hwy 2 East, Brockville, ON, K6V 5W7 Carte
613-498-1492 x1500
Région desservie Comité Lanark
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Les Équipes communautaires de traitement intensif (ECTI) œuvrent dans le cadre d'un programme de services ambulatoires coordonné en collaboration avec le ... more
1804 Hwy 2 East, Brockville, ON, K6V 5W7 Carte
Région desservie Comité Lanark
15 ans et plus
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Provides:   Assertive Outreach Team: A multi-disciplinary team engages with individuals living with mental illnesses, and who are living in shelters ... more
250 Main Street East, Hamilton, ON, L8N 1H6 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
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Publicly funded charitable organization in the City of Hamilton which provides a spectrum of innovative and evidence-based, mental health services, including ... more
526 Upper Paradise Road, Hamilton, ON, L9C 5E3 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Offers a wide range of specialized therapeutic services to clients and their families designed to address problems associated with: 1) Addictions and/or ... more
580 Spence Avenue, Hawkesbury, ON, K6A 0B4 Carte
1-844-304-1414 (Sans frais)
Région desservie Comté de Prescott-Russell
12 ans et plus
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Offre des services de traitement intensif en santé mentale aux personnes de 16 ans et plus, dans leur milieu de vie, sur le territoire de Prescott-Russell. more
710 rue Principale, Casselman, ON, K0A 1W0 Carte
Région desservie Comté de Prescott-Russell
16 ans et plus
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Assertive Community Treatment Teams (ACTT) are part of a community-based outpatient treatment program coordinated in partnership with the Cornwall Community ... more
850 McConnell, Cornwall, ON, K6H 4M3 Carte
16 - 65 ans
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We help people learn how to maintain their mental health, look for and identify the signs of mental illness, and get help and support when they need it. ... more
1091 Gorham St, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 8X7 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
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Les Services pour enfant Madame Vanier est un organisme reconnu dans toute la ville de London et dans la province de l'Ontario comme étant le leader dans les ... more
871 Trafalgar Street, London, ON, N5Z 1E6 Carte
Région desservie Middlesex County
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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1064 Colborne Street, London, ON, N6A 4B3 Carte
Région desservie Middlesex County
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Lead agency for child and youth mental health services including counseling / therapy * Autism Program * Forensic Services * Kinark Outdoor Centre * Supervised Access. more
20 Sunray Street, Whitby, ON, L1N 8Y3 Carte
Jusqu'à 12 ans
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Comme nous reconnaissons que chaque situation est particulière, tous nos programmes et services sont conçus pour répondre aux attentes de nos clients tout ... more
62 Frood Road, Sudbury, ON, P3C 4Z3 Carte
Région desservie Sudbury District
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Various programs and services for individuals with mental health needs.   * ACT Team (age 16+ years; Brampton East of Highway 410 and Town of Bolton ) * ... more
7700 Hurontario Street, Brampton, ON, L6Y 4M3 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
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Health Services include: Community Health Program Diabetes Education & Resource Early Childhood Development Home & Community Care ... more
58 Semo Road, Garden Village, ON, P2B 3K9 Carte
Région desservie York (Regional Municipality)
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115 Chipman Street, Kenora, ON, P9N 3X4 Carte
Région desservie Kenora District
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For fifteen years, SupportiveLiving.ca has been serving Ontario communities by housing individuals who need support with maintaining permanent housing. We ... more
3325 N. Service Road, Burlington, ON, L7N 3G2 Carte
18 ans et plus
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Providence Care is a major teaching and research centre for Queen’s University, an educational partner to St. Lawrence College and other post-secondary ... more
752 King Street West, Kingston, ON, K7L 4X3 Carte
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Non-profit private corporation which offers a continuum of services in Frontenac County for people with a serious mental health illness. Programs/Services ... more
552 Princess Street, Kingston, ON, K7L 1C7 Carte
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The Ontario Association for ACT and FACT (OAAF) is a voluntary organization of Assertive Community Treatment teams (ACT) and Flexible Assertive Community ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
17 ans et plus
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

4950 Yonge St, North York, ON, M2N 6K1 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
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Stacy Thomas, PhD.,CPsych
625 Queen St. East, Toronto, ON, M4M 1G7 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
18 ans et plus
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1280 Finch Avenue West, Toronto, ON, M3J 3K6 Carte
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44 Victoria st, Toronto, ON, M5C 1Y2 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
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Accendus Group Psychotherapy
345 Lakeshore Road, Oakville, ON, L6J 1J5 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Oui
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185 Plains Road East, Burlington, ON, L7T 2C4 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Unknown
16 ans et plus
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Something missing from our directory? Help your community by suggesting a resource!
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Ressources énumérées par d'autres organisations
Zone de chalandise: RLISS de Champlain
“Red Flags” is a Quick Reference Guide for Early Years professionals.Red Flags outlines a range of functional indicators or domains commonly used to monitor healthy child development, as well as potential problem areas for child development. It is intended to assist in the determination of when and where to refer for additional advice, formal assessment and/or treatment.
Posted: Sep 28, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: RLISS de Champlain
"From Rollercoaster to Recovery" is a detailed guide for families and individuals on how to navigate the addictions and mental health system in the Champlain LHIN.
Posted: May 2, 2013
Language: EN,FR
Santé publique Ottawa (SPO)
Zone de chalandise: RLISS de Champlain
La présente trousse renferme les ressources et les services de soutien en santé mentale offerts dans la région d'Ottawa.
Posted: Aug 16, 2017
Language: EN,FR
Community Resource Connections of Toronto (CRCT)
Zone de chalandise: Toronto
Finding mental health services can be complicated, especially for newcomers. This guide for newcomers helps with navigating and finding mental health services in Toronto.
Posted: Jun 21, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Central West
A directory of resources, organizations and services in Waterloo Region, Wellington County, and Dufferin County.
Posted: Jul 19, 2012
Language: EN
Santé publique Ottawa (SPO)
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
La présente trousse renferme les ressources et les services de soutien en santé mentale offerts dans la région d’Ottawa. Cette trousse ne s’agit pas d’une liste exhaustive de tous les services de soutien, mais plutôt d’un point de départ. N’hésitez pas à voir comment les ressources pourraient vous (le proche aidant) aider ou la personne (enfant, jeune, adulte, personnes âgées) dont vous prenez soin à cheminer sur la voie de la guérison.
Posted: Sep 22, 2016
Language: EN,FR
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
Liste concise des services de santé mentale et de toxicomanie dans la région d'Ottawa.
Posted: Dec 10, 2018
Language: EN,FR
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
Posted: Jul 4, 2014
Language: EN,FR
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
A map of child/youth mental health services in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. If printed out, it is meant to be printed out on legal size and poster size, and posted in waiting areas or in a clinic.
Posted: Mar 17, 2017
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
Concise list of Ottawa area mental health resources for youth prepared by Youthnet, a program of the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO).
Posted: Feb 22, 2015
Language: EN,FR
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
Longer list of Ottawa area mental health resources prepared by Youthnet, a progam of the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO).
Posted: Feb 23, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
List of Ottawa community resources for transitional aged youth (age 16-24).
Posted: May 13, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Comité de Renfrew
List of key child/youth mental health resources for primary health care providers.
Posted: Apr 1, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Simcoe County
Community resource list for South Simcoe by the CMHA York Region Branch.
Posted: Apr 20, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Middlesex County
Pamphlet of financial resources and other supports.
Posted: Jul 3, 2012
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Sudbury District
List of child, youth and family mental health resources for Subdury area prepared by the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health as part of the Mental Health Literacy Project in 2011.
Posted: Feb 24, 2011
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Sudbury District
Comprehensive list of mental health resources for Sudbury/Manitoulin from the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) in Sudbury/Manitoulin.
Posted: Mar 28, 2012
Language: EN
Elgin St. Thomas Public Health
Zone de chalandise: Elgin County
Directory of various programs/services of interest to children, youth and families in Elgin County.
Posted: Feb 5, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Halton Regional Municipality
This resource guide is intended to help families, caregivers, and members of the community in navigating and understanding the child and youth mental health system.
Posted: Sep 18, 2013
Language: EN
Peel Service Collaborative
Zone de chalandise: Peel Regional Municipality
Guide to mental health services in the Peel region.
Posted: Nov 9, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Waterloo Regional Municipality
Posted: Jun 12, 2012
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Waterloo Regional Municipality
Posted: Jul 11, 2012
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Waterloo Regional Municipality
Local resource book for those living, working or supporting someone with a disability.
Posted: Aug 29, 2012
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Haliburton County
List of child/youth mental health resources prepared by the Ontario Centre of Excellence for the Mental Health Literacy Project in March 2011.
Posted: Mar 4, 2011
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Niagara Regional Municipality
Posted: Jan 28, 2011
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Niagara Regional Municipality
Provided by TAMI Niagara and the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA).
Posted: Feb 26, 2011
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Niagara Regional Municipality
List of child/youth mental health resources in Niagara area, prepared by the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health, as part of the Mental Health Literacy Project in Mar 2011.
Posted: Mar 4, 2011
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Niagara Regional Municipality
Information about suicide for individuals living in the Niagara area, including information about the Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST), 1-800-263-4944.
Posted: Sep 11, 2012
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Hastings County
List of child/youth mental health resources prepared by the Ontario Centre of Excellence as part of the Mental Health Literacy initiative in March 2011.
Posted: Mar 4, 2011
Language: EN
Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO)
Zone de chalandise: Ontario
CMHO has list of child/youth mental health services for communities throughout Ontario.
Posted: Sep 1, 2020
Language: EN
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