Nouveau Brunswick, NB
Chimo Helpline, a provincial crisis phone line, accessible 24hrs a day, 365 days a year to all residents of New Brunswick.
Chimo Helpline.
Panier info -

Séparation et divorce

(Teen) Mental Health Literacy
Website providing information and resources about teen mental health. Formerly known as Teen Mental Health with Dr. Stan Kutcher and colleagues.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Parenting After Separation: A Handbook for Parents
This handbook focuses on the needs of children when parents separate and how you can help meet those needs. Your children need your love and support throughout the separation, which is a difficult time for them. They also need your love and support through the post-separation years, as your family adjusts to a new life.
BC Ministry of Attorney General
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Santé et sécurité psychologiques : Guide de l'employeur
Un nouvel outil permettant de protéger la santé mentale des employés, proposant des mesures accessibles à tous les employeurs canadiens.
Commission de la santé mentale du Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
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